Lets Go Philippines

Philippines first world-class breathtaking ride at Enchanted Kingdom!

Experience the new family fun ride and the only Philippines first world-class breathtaking ride at Enchanted Kingdom!

Disk-O-Magic is award-winning ride and been recognized by the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA). It composed of 24 seats with special design that allows both arms and legs t0 move freely f0r riders t0 enjoy the dash.


Disk-O-Magic 0ffers unique acti0n and weightless sensation f0r the passengers. It starts its wild run al0ng the trail dished section that w0uld dart t0 the 0ther side and g0es back t0 its entry p0int, rocking and spinning all the while.

L00king f0r s0mething new, fun and exciting? Ready t0 get challenged and thrilled? Then try Enchanted Kingdom’s heart-pumping and adrenaline rushing NEW Family fun ride!

F0r y0ur pr0tecti0n, please ensure that Enchanted Kingdom tickets are purchased at the park (Sta. Rosa, Laguna) 0r at the EK Makati Sales Office (MSO), 0r fr0m accredited ticket agents only. Enchanted Kingdom, Inc. reserves the right t0 dish0n0r or invalidate tickets purchased from unauthorized sources.

For m0re inf0rmati0n 0n the updated park schedule and promos of Enchanted Kingdom, you may call (02) 830-3535 loc. 333 or 444 or y0u may visit the official website of EK at www.enchantedkingdom.ph.

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